Monday, July 16, 2007

Here I am

Almost 3 months old! I am getting to be a big boy! And you want to hear something funny? My hir is red! Not bright red, it's almost brown, but you can see the red in it. And my eyes have a definite green tint to them. Mommy thinks I am a changeling, but she still loves me : )

I'm also able to sleep all through the night now. I wake up really hungry though. I like to eat, it makes my tummy feel all better.

I had to go take a picture last week. Mommy held me up so no one could tell how small I am. They woke me up to take the picture though. What's up with that?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Getting bigger

I can hold my head up now and I like to sit and watch everything. I still like to eat a lot, but now when I am awake, I also like to see what's going on. I am growing up and I'm going to be a big boy like Mason. Everyone says I look like Mommy. I hope that's good. Miss Kim says I'm cute at daycare and she holds and cuddles me when I have to be there. She and I are friends.
I like cuddles! People really should cuddle me lots.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm a big boy! I am 12 lbs and 24 inches. I can smile and hold my head up all by myself. I like to be awake and watching everything. I do not like bottles and I really don't like formula.

I met someone new on Friday. Her name is Ms Kim, she said we were going to bond because she was taking care of me all day. I don't know if we bonded, but I like her, she's nice.