Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm happy!

Last week was my last week at daycare with Miss Kim and I'm gonna miss her but I get to stay honme with Daddy. Mommy says we can "bond". I don't care as long as he feeds me, holds me, and changes my diaper. I will even be cute and smile and giggle for him. I like to do that!

I am growing again! Yea! I am wearing 6 mth clothes now because I am SUCH a big boy! The bummer though is that I outgrew m,y Hawaiian Mickey Mouse shirt. Very sad!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Almost there

I think the tooth is getting close. Mommy and Daddy think they can feel it. I wish it would hurry, it HURTS! It wakes me up at night and I cry. : (

Monday, September 10, 2007


Mommy really needs to work on being more responsive to my needs. When I Want to be fed, I want to be fed, right now. When I want to be held, I want to be held RIGHT NOW! I don't want tummy time or any of those other things the people keep telling her I need. C'mon, I have a BALD spot from laying on my back all of the time. I can't get much cuter, so there is no reason NOT to hold me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hold Me

I am getting really tired of tummy time. If I wanted to be laid down on the floor of all the time, I would ask. I want to be held! That's it, just held. I don't want to be held until I finish eating or until I go to sleep, then laid down for tummy time or inthe bed, just HOLD me!