Saturday, December 29, 2007


I got to tear wrapping paper and chew on bows. It was so fun! Oh and I got some toys too, but Bubba plays with them more than I do.

My top teeth are coming in. They hurt though. Ouch! I can bite real good now though!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm crawling - kind of

I’m getting to be such a big boy. I eat three meals a day now of real food. I usually have ceral and fruit in the morning, then something yummy for lunch, and then more fruit for dinner. It’s not a bad deal. I’m getting away from drinking a bottle all of the time, too. Pretty soon I will be a big boy like Bubba. I can already hold my own bottle.

I can almost crawl too. I don’t always like being put down on the floor, but maybe, if I learn to crawl, I can move over to where someone will pick me up. That would be a good reason to learn to crawl, I think.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hi again

OK, there is ANOTHER new person I am hanging out with all day. In fact, there are two, plus all of these other little people along with Mason running around and being noisy. Why can’t they just hold me like Ms Kim did. They expect me to crawl and stuff. Jeez, if I wanted to do that, I would. I just want to be held. And what’s up with the solid food? Not that I really mind, but that’s a bit of a surprise. I do like the toys and having soft people to hold me. I am not sure I care to take a nap every day, but I don’t think I can get out of that. I suppose I will make the best of it.

I had to go get another shot. I really think they don’t like me. I get shots all the time, and they HURT. Mommy says I don’t have to have any more for a while, but I don’t know if she’s telling the truth. I think she should have to get shots every time I have too. That’s fair, don’t you think? Or they can give her my shots so I don’t have to have them at all. That’s even better.