Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Life as Micah

Oops! I messed up my clothes again today! Mommy has to bring me more clothes for tomorrow. Sigh! I just really had to go.

I am taking one step at a time now. I am not real sure about taking more than one. I suppose I could but I am really wobbly and its so much easier to crawl.

I got to sleep with Mommy and Daddy last nioght. That hasn't happened for a while. I don't mind sleeping by myself, but I was not feeling very good. I can sleep all night in my own bed. I am getting to be such a big boy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Almost walking

I am almost walking. I can walk if someone holds my hand and I have tried to take a couple of steps on my own, but I haven't quite gotten the whole walking thing down on my own. I am working ion it though. Did you know I weight 18.5 lbs? I am a BIG boy!