Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So, about this week

There were new people here again last night? I don't know why Mommy and Daddy keep bringing them home, we already have plenty of people. They were "friends from Germany". Whatever that means....

I went to the dr last week and THEY POKED me! 4 times! I also weigh 14+ lbs and am almost 26 inches tall! Woo hoo! A big boy.

And I can sleep all night now. Lots of good stuffs going on. And I didn't get sick like Bubba & Lexi so that's even better.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I'm a big boy! I can hold my head up and I am sleeping through thenight (most of the time). That means I am a big boy! I go to schoolevery day now which is not too bad. I get cuddles and holds, so I can'tcomplain too much! I miss Mommy, but at least I am not left alone allof the time.I do want to know what's up with my hair. I've got a couple of thinspots. I'M GOING BALD!!!! And it's red! Why is that? No one else hasred hair. Mommy's, Daddy's, Mercedes, and Mason's hair is all brown.Why red? We had some different people here for a few days. Mommy and Daddy said they were Grandma and Grandpa. They held me lots, so they must be cool.They went away though, so I guess we didn't want to keep them. I liked them, at least for the few days we had them.