Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lots of teeth

I didn’t feel good all last week. I was coughing and I couldn’t sleep and my ears hurt. Daddy came last Thursday and got me from Ms. Shannon and took me to the doctor. They didn’t poke me this time, which I really liked. They looked in my ears though and said I had an ear infection in both ears. I don’t know why an ear infection decided to move in there, I guess the cost of housing around here is too much for it. Anyways, I got some medicine that is supposed to make me feel all better. And you know what, it does. I even started smiling again this weekend. I can also pull myself up and sometimes I even let go. The bad part about letting go is that I fall. It usually doesn’t hurt, but then I have to start all over.
Oh the doctor person did say that if I get another ear infection before my birthday I will probably have to have tubes like Bubba and Sissy. That doesn’t sound like a lot of fun to me.
I am now really good at crawling. I crawl really fast and I chase down people so I can pull myself up their leg. That’s my way of telling them that I want to be picked up. And I eat really good too. I like to have a bowl of cereal (mixed with fruit juice) and a container of baby food (fruit) when I get home. I also get fruit and cereal for breakfast and real food for lunch. Well, real baby food anyway! I like to eat!
I have decided that I like to take baths in the bathtub. I can crawl around and splash the water. That’s a lot of fun. I don’t like it when I fall though. My face gets wet and there is water up my nose and that isn’t fun at all.

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