Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm 1!!!!!!!

I am now 1 years old! I am a big boy! I can walk - ALL BY MYSELF! And I can eat big boy food. I like pasta! I had spaghetti a few nights ago and for my birthday I had Chicken and Noodles with mashed potatos! Yummy. I also had chocolate cake. I wasn't so sure about that, but I got to sit in it and that was fun. The big kids were throwing it, they had to clean it ALL up, too!

I'm drinking real milk now. I don't like it cold though. I also don't like sippy cups. They are too much work.

I have a lobster so I can play in the pool. I can sit in it and people pull me around. Mason likes it too. I let him use it when I can get someone to hold me. I like the hot tub too. Especially when it's warm and I am tired.

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