Friday, May 30, 2008

Still the Baby

I am a BIG boy now! I weigh almost 20 lbs and am almost 28 inches tall. I can walk all by myself and I am learning to run too. I like it when Mommy and Daddy have to chase me. Or the sissies. That is always fun! I am just not fast enough to get away from them yet, so I have to work on that.

I feel asleep with Mommy last night and I fell out of bed and bonked my head and it HURTS! I have a nasty bump and a little cut. And I have my very first black eye! Mommy says I am rough on myself! I didn’t mean to do it, I just rolled over in the middle of the night and the edge of the bed was right there. Mommy held me until I went back to sleep, but it really hurt!

I am eating big people food now. I don’t like baby food anymore. I like to eat what everyone else is eating. I had chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans last night. It was yummy. Daddy wouldn’t give me his fork though and that upset me. How can I eat if I don’t have a fork. I don’t anyone else to feed me, that’s for babies.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My week

I don't feel good. My teefers hurt. I wish they would stop hurting.

I can eat big kids food now. I had my own hamburger yesterday and I ate it all gone. It was yummy. And I had FRIES! Fries are AWESOME!

I got to run around at gymnastics yesterday too. There are other people my size there to play with so we got to play together. I like to hug the other little people but I knock them down sometimes (oops).

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Still the baby

I don't care if Mason has a birthday. I am still the baby!

I got to go swimming last week. I like swimming. I have a lobster that I sit in and then someone pulls me around. That is really fun! I want to go again!

I have to go to the doctor this week. Mommy says I have to get a shot. I don't want a shot. That will hurt and I will cry and everyone will look at me! That isn't fun, not at all!

I can drink out of a sippy cup now, but I don't like cold milk. I like it warm! I am getting to eat big kids food now too. I had green beans and pasta for lunch! I prefer the stars though. I didn't eat very mcuh. Mommy kept trying to get me to eat more but I didn't, she couldn't make me!