Saturday, December 29, 2007


I got to tear wrapping paper and chew on bows. It was so fun! Oh and I got some toys too, but Bubba plays with them more than I do.

My top teeth are coming in. They hurt though. Ouch! I can bite real good now though!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm crawling - kind of

I’m getting to be such a big boy. I eat three meals a day now of real food. I usually have ceral and fruit in the morning, then something yummy for lunch, and then more fruit for dinner. It’s not a bad deal. I’m getting away from drinking a bottle all of the time, too. Pretty soon I will be a big boy like Bubba. I can already hold my own bottle.

I can almost crawl too. I don’t always like being put down on the floor, but maybe, if I learn to crawl, I can move over to where someone will pick me up. That would be a good reason to learn to crawl, I think.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hi again

OK, there is ANOTHER new person I am hanging out with all day. In fact, there are two, plus all of these other little people along with Mason running around and being noisy. Why can’t they just hold me like Ms Kim did. They expect me to crawl and stuff. Jeez, if I wanted to do that, I would. I just want to be held. And what’s up with the solid food? Not that I really mind, but that’s a bit of a surprise. I do like the toys and having soft people to hold me. I am not sure I care to take a nap every day, but I don’t think I can get out of that. I suppose I will make the best of it.

I had to go get another shot. I really think they don’t like me. I get shots all the time, and they HURT. Mommy says I don’t have to have any more for a while, but I don’t know if she’s telling the truth. I think she should have to get shots every time I have too. That’s fair, don’t you think? Or they can give her my shots so I don’t have to have them at all. That’s even better.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Helping Mommy

I'm sitting here helping Mommy type this blog today. I am pushing in the keyboard and wiggling and drooling like crazy. It's helping...right?

I have TWO teeth now! And I can eat big kids food. I like the bananananas. I like cereal alright oo, but Mommy still tastes best. She doesn't like it when I bite her though.

I can move around on the floor now. It's always backwards though. That doesn't seem quite right, but I will keep trying. I can't be too far off.

Monday, October 22, 2007


I gots a toof! I gots more coming though - and they hurt! I don't think Mommy likes my toof. I bit her yesterday with it. I didn't mean to, but she yelled and jumped. That skeered me and I cried, but she cuddled me and said it was ok, but not to do it again. I didn't mean too, at least not really. I was just trying out the new toof.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Everything is Different

I am staying home with Daddy these days, which I like. I really like when he holds me and plays with me, almost more than when Mommy holds me, though I like Mommy too. She's soft and she has MILK!

But... Daddy left! Where is he, why is Mommy here with me all day? It's bad enuf that I lost Miss Kim, but now Daddy. I hope Mommy doesn't leave me, I would be sad.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm happy!

Last week was my last week at daycare with Miss Kim and I'm gonna miss her but I get to stay honme with Daddy. Mommy says we can "bond". I don't care as long as he feeds me, holds me, and changes my diaper. I will even be cute and smile and giggle for him. I like to do that!

I am growing again! Yea! I am wearing 6 mth clothes now because I am SUCH a big boy! The bummer though is that I outgrew m,y Hawaiian Mickey Mouse shirt. Very sad!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Almost there

I think the tooth is getting close. Mommy and Daddy think they can feel it. I wish it would hurry, it HURTS! It wakes me up at night and I cry. : (

Monday, September 10, 2007


Mommy really needs to work on being more responsive to my needs. When I Want to be fed, I want to be fed, right now. When I want to be held, I want to be held RIGHT NOW! I don't want tummy time or any of those other things the people keep telling her I need. C'mon, I have a BALD spot from laying on my back all of the time. I can't get much cuter, so there is no reason NOT to hold me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hold Me

I am getting really tired of tummy time. If I wanted to be laid down on the floor of all the time, I would ask. I want to be held! That's it, just held. I don't want to be held until I finish eating or until I go to sleep, then laid down for tummy time or inthe bed, just HOLD me!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So, about this week

There were new people here again last night? I don't know why Mommy and Daddy keep bringing them home, we already have plenty of people. They were "friends from Germany". Whatever that means....

I went to the dr last week and THEY POKED me! 4 times! I also weigh 14+ lbs and am almost 26 inches tall! Woo hoo! A big boy.

And I can sleep all night now. Lots of good stuffs going on. And I didn't get sick like Bubba & Lexi so that's even better.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I'm a big boy! I can hold my head up and I am sleeping through thenight (most of the time). That means I am a big boy! I go to schoolevery day now which is not too bad. I get cuddles and holds, so I can'tcomplain too much! I miss Mommy, but at least I am not left alone allof the time.I do want to know what's up with my hair. I've got a couple of thinspots. I'M GOING BALD!!!! And it's red! Why is that? No one else hasred hair. Mommy's, Daddy's, Mercedes, and Mason's hair is all brown.Why red? We had some different people here for a few days. Mommy and Daddy said they were Grandma and Grandpa. They held me lots, so they must be cool.They went away though, so I guess we didn't want to keep them. I liked them, at least for the few days we had them.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Here I am

Almost 3 months old! I am getting to be a big boy! And you want to hear something funny? My hir is red! Not bright red, it's almost brown, but you can see the red in it. And my eyes have a definite green tint to them. Mommy thinks I am a changeling, but she still loves me : )

I'm also able to sleep all through the night now. I wake up really hungry though. I like to eat, it makes my tummy feel all better.

I had to go take a picture last week. Mommy held me up so no one could tell how small I am. They woke me up to take the picture though. What's up with that?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Getting bigger

I can hold my head up now and I like to sit and watch everything. I still like to eat a lot, but now when I am awake, I also like to see what's going on. I am growing up and I'm going to be a big boy like Mason. Everyone says I look like Mommy. I hope that's good. Miss Kim says I'm cute at daycare and she holds and cuddles me when I have to be there. She and I are friends.
I like cuddles! People really should cuddle me lots.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm a big boy! I am 12 lbs and 24 inches. I can smile and hold my head up all by myself. I like to be awake and watching everything. I do not like bottles and I really don't like formula.

I met someone new on Friday. Her name is Ms Kim, she said we were going to bond because she was taking care of me all day. I don't know if we bonded, but I like her, she's nice.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I have to go see the dr tomorrow. Mommy says he is going to give me shots. Do shots taste good? I hope so.

Mommy left me on Friday ALL DAY LONG. I was stuck with Daddy. I wish Mommy were here, I like her more. She's softer and tastes good. I like to eat. I weigh over 12 lbs now. I am outgrowing all of my baby clothes. I now wear 0-3 month clothes because I am a BIG boy!

My eyes change colors. Did you know that? Some days they look grey and some days they look green and other days they look hazel. I think it's cool! Everyone says I don't look like Bubba and Sissy. Am I supposed too?

Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm little

I am still smaller than everyone else but Mommy says I am growing. I can't wear any clothes that say newborn now, so I guess I am. Mommy says that's good. If she says so I will beleive her.

I can sleep in my own bed, but I don't like too. Mommy and Daddy try to make me, but it doesn't always work, hee hee hee.

I took a bath this morning. I wasn't too happy at first, but the water felt good. I didn't like the lotion afterwards though. It made me cold.

Monday, June 11, 2007

More pictures!

Doesn't Mom ever get tired of dressing me up and putting me in front of a camera?

Saturday, June 2, 2007

I am over 10 lbs now. I'm getting big, and I stay awake now for longer periods of time. I have eyes!

Speaking of eyes, I'm not sure what color my eyes are. Sometimes they look grey, sometime brown, sometimes gold. I thought I would look just like Cedes and Mason, but I don't. I'm my own person, I guess.

I sleep in my own bed a lot more now. Mommy is much more comfortable, but I don't mind sleeping by myself once in a while.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

On being the baby

Well, it's rough being a baby. Sometimes my tummy hurts and no one does anything, no matter how many times I try to tell them. I really need to figure out how to tell them so they will understand. Sometimes they get it right, but not always.

I think I am finally at a point where I don't mind sleep by myself in my bassinet. I slept there almost all of last night. I like to stay awake for several hours during the day to watch everything. I got to watch TV last night. Lots of colors. That was interesting.

I'm outgrowing my newborn clothes and diapers now so I am going to have to start wearing bgger clothes. I don't really think I NEED clothes, but I guess it's Big People rules. I get really hot sometimes, so I don't always like clothes.

I peed on Mommy yesterday. I haven't been able to get her as much lately, but I saw my chance and took it. I got Daddy a few days ago and everyone thought that was really funny!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


I'm awake more now. I like to watch what's going on.

I think I almost have Mommy trained. I like to sleep with her holding me, but she's got to sit up for me to eat. I don't know why it's taken so long.

I like to snack fopr an hour or two at a time, them watch everything for another hour, then nap for 3 or 4 hours. I can sleep longer now, so I have to make up for it by being awake longer the rest of the time.

Monday, May 14, 2007

2 week well baby

I am well! The dr said so. I weigh 8 lbs 8 ozs and am almost 22 inches long. I am in the 50 - 75 percentile in all areas. That's good, right?

I am sleeping a little longer between feedings now, but I am also awake for an hour or two. Not every time, but once or twice during the day. here is a lot to see and I don't want to miss it.

Mommy has been trying to get me to swallow some nasty stuff. She says it's vitaminhs and the dr says it's good for me, hut I am not sure anything that nasty tasting can be good for me.

I got to spend a couple of hours with Miss La La last night. It was nice she cuddled me and fed me a little. Mostly, I liked the cuddling.

Monday, May 7, 2007

13 days old

I am doing well. I eat all of the time, so I think it helps. Mommy and I slept in this morning. I like to be able to touch her when I am sleeping. I don't like the bassinet. But she keeps putting me in it. I'll teach her sooner or later. I get to go see the doctor on Friday. Yea! I don't think they will poke me this time, which makes me really happy.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Went to the Dr

They poked my heel and then squeezed! It HURT! That wasn't very nice of them. They said I am doing well. I weigh more now than I did when I was born which is REALLY good. No jaundice, so that's good too.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm brand new

I'm 5 days old, well, almost. I will be at 5:10 pm. Life is hard out here. I get cold and I get hot, and people POKED me with sharp objects that really (really) hurt. Mommy is soft though, and she feeds me yummy stuff. And Daddy cuddles me, and the Sissies and Bubba talk to me and hold me and pet me. So, I guess it's not too bad. I will give it a try.